Promoting member of the economy committee

Berlin/Radolfzell, 30/09/2009

The Dr. Walser Dental, manufacturer of the Walser sectional matrices, is a promoting member and the managing director Gerhard R. Daiger is a Honorary Senator at the economy committee in Berlin.

Wirtschaftskomitee Deutschland e.V. (WBA) with connection office to the German Bundestag and to the EU parliament is registered on the list of the German Bundestag. It is a charitable, party politically independent European federal association founded a 2004 in Berlin for the promotion of the social market economy, economy, education, work with the following interest area: Support of the democracy, the social market economy, the European Union - support of the European body of thought, a Europe in liberty and peace, support of the economy and education.

WBA general association and its affiliated senates see themselves as non profit organisations of outstanding personalities from all areas of the economy, science and technology, culture and media, politics and diplomacy in Europe.

Source: Wirtschaftskomitee Deutschland e.V. Berlin


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