Sponsor at Staatsexamensball of the Charité Berlin


Once again Dr. Walser Dental is sponsoring the Staatsexamensball of the University Charité in Berlin.

The Staatsexamensball of the dentists (graduation ball for the graduates of state examination) of the University Charité will take place in August in Berlin. Many of the dentists there know the Dr. Walser Dental for many years.

The University Charité is one of the largest university hospitals in Europe. With almost 660,000 outpatient and around 140,000 inpatient cases a year, the Charité treats more patients than any other German university hospital and thus has a valuable wealth of experience.

Here scientists and doctors teach, heal and research at the highest international level. Over half of the German Nobel laureates for medicine and physiology come from the Charité, among them Robert Koch, Emil von Behring and Paul Ehrlich.

Source: Charité Berlin

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